Scientific Committee 2017

Prof. Ewa Ratajczak, PhD – Wood Technology Institute
Konrad Tomaszewski, PhD (Eng) - Director General of the State Forests

Assc. Prof. Janusz Czerepko, PhD (Forest Research InstituteWarsaw)

Prof. dr Matthias Dieter (Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, Johann Heinrich von ThünenInstituteHamburg)

Prof. Ewa Dobrowolska, PhD (Forest Sciences and Wood Technology Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences)

Prof. Andrzej Grzywacz, PhD (Polish Forest Society)

Prof. Krzysztof Krajewski, PhD (Faculty of Wood Technology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Warsaw)

Prof. Ing. Josef Kúdela, CSc (Department of Wood Science, Technical University in Zvolen, Zvolen)

Prof. Piotr Łakomy, PhD (Faculty of Forestry, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poznan)

Prof. Bartłomiej Mazela, PhD (Eng) (Faculty of Wood Technology, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poznan)

Prof. dr. Peter Niemz (Institute for Building Materials, ETH Zurich)

Prof. Piotr Paschalis Jakubowicz, PhD (Association of Foresters and Wood Technologists; Faculty of Wood Technology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Warsaw)

Mariano J. Pérez Campos (AIDIMME – Metal-processing, Furniture, Wood and Packaging Technology Institute, Walencja)

Prof. Marcin Pietrzykowski, PhD (Eng) (Faculty of Forestry, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Krakow)

Prof. Włodzimierz Prądzyński, PhD (Eng) (Wood Technology InstitutePoznan)

Prof. Janusz Sowa, PhD (Eng) (Faculty of Forestry, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Krakow)

Dr. Rafaelle Spinelli (IVALSA – National Research Council of ItalyTrees and Timber InstituteFlorencja)

Prof. dr rernat. Steffen Tobisch (IHD – Institut für Holztechnologie Dresden)

Assc. Prof. Maria Władyka-Przybylak, PhD (Wood Technology InstitutePoznan)

Prof. Janusz Zawadzki, PhD (Faculty of Wood Technology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Warsaw)

Prof. Tomasz Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, PhD (Forest Sciences and Wood Technology Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences)

Prof. Henryk Żybura, PhD (Faculty of Forestry, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Warsaw)