Call for papers

4th edition of the international scientific conference
WOOD – SCIENCE – ECONOMY. Sustainable forestry and forests - opportunities and constraints under climate cha

We invite you to submit proposals for papers and posters in line with the scope of the conference, i.e. fitting in with the following areas: 

1. Sustainable forestry in a changing environment

  • Threats to forests and forestry resulting from global climate change (insect outbreaks, fires, severe weather phenomena, epiphytosis) and the possibilities of preventing these changes
  • Anthropopression (environmental pollution, deforestation, overexploitation)
  • Mitigation of global climate changes by managing the forest and increasing forest areas
  • Augmentation of wood resources and their efficient use
  • Invasive species – by-product of globalization (prediction, control)
  • The role of disturbances in the formation of multifunctional forests  possibilities and limitations

2. Challenges in wood science

  • Impact of climate on wood formation and wood properties
  • Wood in bioenergy
  • Green building
  • Bio-friendly wood protection
  • New technologies in wood-based materials (biocomposites, nanomaterials, packing)
  • Environmental aspects of the forestry and wood sector (furniture industry, sawmilling and other wood-based industries)
  • Wood market; circular bioeconomy, industry 4.0

3. Ecosystem services provided by forest ecosystems

  • Phytoremediation – water and air purification
  • Protection of biodiversity – maintenance of wildlife habitat
  • Carbon storage
  • Social and cultural benefits: education, recreation, traditional non-wood resource uses and spirituality

Submitted papers/posters must present original results of basic and applied research on technological, technical, economic and environmental issues essential for science and wood-based industries and neighbouring fields.

Forms of participation in the conference:

  • Paper submission and its presentation following the approval of the Scientific Committee,
  • Poster submission and its presentation following the approval of the Scientific Committee,
  • Participation in the conference (neither paper nor poster).

Paper or poster submission can be made by sending the application with the abstract via the Registration Form