Scientific Committee 2015

Assc. Prof. Władysław Strykowski, PhD – Director of the Wood Technology Institute 

Adam Wasiak, MSc (Eng) – General Director of State Forests

Assc. Prof. Janusz Czerepko, PhD (Forest Research Institute)
Prof. Dr. Matthias Dieter (Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute)
Prof. Ewa Dobrowolska, PhD (Committee on Wood Technology of the Polish Academy of Sciences)
Prof. Roman Gornowicz, PhD (Poznań University of Life Sciences)
Prof. Andrzej Grzywacz, PhD (Polish Forest Society)
Prof. Dr František Hapla (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
Prof. Krzysztof Krajewski, PhD (Warsaw University of Life Sciences 
Prof. Bartłomiej Mazela, PhD (Poznań University of Life Sciences)
Prof. Dr. Peter Niemz (Institute for Building Materials, ETH Zurich)
Prof. Stanisław Orzeł, PhD (University of Agriculture in Krakow)
Prof. Piotr Paschalis Jakubowicz, PhD 
(Warsaw University of Life Sciences  SGGW)
Mariano J. Pérez Campos (AIDIMA – Technology Institute on Furniture, Wood, Packaging and related industries)
Prof. Włodzimierz Prądzyński, PhD 
(Poznań University of Life Sciences)
Prof. Ewa Ratajczak, PhD (Wood Technology Institute)
Dr. h.c. Uwe Schmitt (Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute)
Dr. Rafaelle Spinelli (IVALSA – National Research Council of Italy, Trees and Timber Institute)
Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Tobisch (IHD – Institut für Holztechnologie Dresden)
Prof. Henryk Żybura, PhD 
(Warsaw University of Life Sciences  SGGW)